Friday, December 30, 2016

My Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2016

The 10 movies that I've seen in the theater this year (which sadly was not a lot!) that left a lasting impression! 

10. The Jungle Book
-  Wonderful production, breath taking technical achievement!

9. Moana
- The story is nothing new but the songs were fantastic and the animation was just on another level

8. Room
- Heartbreaking story with two terrific performances that will trigger all kinds of emotions from your inner being.

7. Finding Dory 
- The sequel that did not disappoint!

6. Everything About Her
- My favorite local mainstream movie. Funny, tender and heartbreaking.

5. Your Name
- My first anime film in the big screen! A very engaging movie from start to end.

4. Train to Busan
- It lived up to the hype! One of the most thrilling and entertaining theater experience this year. Reminds you the joys of watching a movie with a receptive audience.

3. Spotlight
- The current Oscar Best Picture winner! Once upon a time I dreamt of becoming a journalist and this film reminded me why.

2. Sunday Beauty Queens
- The best picture on this year's MMFF! This documentary will get you a true glimpse of how our fellow Filipinos deal and survive working and living in a foreign land. No melodrama but just real and pure emotions.

1. Zootopia
-  A film that is more than just cute animals talking! With how intolerance and misinformation are putting the society backwards these days, this animated movie couldn't be more apt.

Favorites from the past years:

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